Argan Hair Serum

A hair treatment enriched with vitamin E and apricot kernels, This extract-based formula provides an intensive hair treatment to keep the hair healthy, strong and shiny, and effectively combating the dryness of hair,
This unique formula helps to keep hair surface healthy, adds volume and shine and maintains hair manageability and youthfulness.

Bio Cosmetic Argan Oil, Sesame Vegetable oil, Grape Seed, Aloe Vera, Essential Oil Of Orange Flowers, Natural Preservative, Vitamin E


Argan oil has a regenerative and restorative action on the skin. It is rich in vitamin E and unsaponifiable, is recognized for its nourishing and restructuring characteristics.
Its strong moisturizing and antioxidant power offsets deeply the undernutrition of the skin, responsible for cellular aging.

-      Sesame oil is very rich in essential fatty acids. It is carefully restructurating; it softens and prevents drying of the skin. It also has the effect of sunscreen because it absorbs ultraviolet rays. Sesame oil has an anti-oxidant role in the presence of vitamin E

-      Grape Pip oil is rich in essential fatty acids; it penetrates well the skin and gives it an important hydration.

-      Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and natural destructive of free radicals, effective against premature aging.
It also preserves softness and suppleness of the skin.

Instructions for use:
Kindly massage your scalp and let sit for about 20 minutes. Then wash your hair with your regular shampoo.

Product name:
Argan Hair Oil "Hair Nourishing Care" of Argan Oil 140 ml

Product rating:
Cosmetic product for external use

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